E u r o p e a n C h r o n o l o g y
The inauguration dates of the first special trains connecting with steamers are unknown
1882: Trains transatlantiques Paris - Le Havre, from 1895 also Paris - Cherbourg..
1884: Trains d' emigrants Basle - Paris - Le Havre by French Line.
1889: Hapag - Sonderzug Hamburg - Cuxhaven.
1889: Trains de luxe Paris-Le Havre by French Line.
1893: Lloyd- Sonderzug Bremen - Bremerhaven until 1939.
1900: Transatlantique - Express Paris - Le Havre and New York - Express Paris - Cherbourg (both by CIWL).
1912: Canadian Pacific observation saloons (dark green) in Austria, from 1913 announced Salzburg - Triest, connecting with Canadian Pacific steamers.
1914: Interruption of services by WWI. From 1917 Dutch mail to Java by trains via New York and San Francisco.
1927: Rotterdam Lloyd Rapide Rotterdam - Marseilles.
1928: Nederland Express Den Haag - Genova.
1931: Transatlantiques Paris - Le Havre and Cherburg, ETAT saloons with CIWL service until 1939.
1940: Nederland Express and Rotterdam Lloyd Rapide to/from Genova via Modane, then stopped.
1945: After WWII, U.S. Army trains and later irregular German trains did run mainly to Bremerhaven.
1974: Last Transatlantique Paris - Le Havre (by SNCF).
Mail from Germany to the Pacific was conveyed by ordinary trains to Italian ports and then by Norddeutscher Lloyd steamers. Lloyd-Express to Genova see chapter Rome-Express.
Generally there were various specials of ordinary stock, connecting with Ocean Liners, e.g. on the Paris - Bordeaux line to the Gironde, the trains Netherlands or Paris - Boulogne, connected by a tender with the Holland America liners or special cars Copenhagen - Helsingor and surely Stockholm - Gothenburg for Svenska Amerika Linien. In pre-war days a regular direttissimo ran from Rome to Naples port. Wagons - Lits and couchette car specials or reinforcements of regular trains Germany - Italy served Mediterranean cruises. American Export Line see chapter Sud-Express.