D u t c h " B o o t t r e i n e n "
Rotterdam Lloyd Rapide, locomotive 2131, Rotterdam, April 1929 (J. Yvanjer, coll. van Wijck-Jurriaanse)
The steamers of the Rotterdam Lloyd and of the S.M. Nederland connected Holland with its most important colony, now Indonesia. Though mail already earlier was transported by rail, only in 1927 appeared the Rotterdam Lloyd Rapide Rotterdam - Marseille and in 1928 the Nederland-Express Den Haag - Cologne Sued - Basle - Genova S.L. via Gotthard, initially with coaches, a Mitropa diner to Basle, CIWL sleepers Basle - Genova and a CIWL diner Milan - Genova. Even in 1940 the trains did run, now both by CIWL and via the Mont Cenis line to Genova. Then they were stopped for ever.
Nederland Express
Basle-Geneva-Den Haag on September 22, 1937 (according to R. Commault):
Nederland Express
Basle - Genova - Den Haag on September 22, 1937 (according to R. Commault)
1 | F | (van) | Genova - Den Haag
1 | WL | CIWL (type S1) | Genova - Den Haag
3 | WL | CIWL (type Y) | Genova - Den Haag
1 | WR | CIWL (restaurant) | Genova - Basle
2 | coaches NS
| | |
1 | F
| | |
Basle - Amsterdam Mitropa diner. Traction in Holland (according to Rutgers van Rozenburg): 3600, 3700, later 3900 classes (4-6-0)
Rotterdam Lloyd Rapide:
Summer 1938
1 | F | P.L.M. | Den Haag-Marseille
2 | Ac | P.L.M. | Den Haag-Marseille
1-2 | B | P.L.M. | Den Haag-Marseille
1 | WR | CIWL | Den Haag-Paris P.L.M.
1-2 | AB | NS | Den Haag-Paris P.L.M.
1 | F | NS | Den Haag-Paris P.L.M.
1-2 | Ac | P.L.M. | Paris P.L.M.-Marseille
1-2 | WL | CIWL | Paris P.L.M.-Marseille
1 | F | P.L.M. | Paris P.L.M.-Marseille
Nederland Express, locomotive 360 (the Maffei "Zeppelin"), 7 CIWL sleepers, a Mitropa diner, 3 NS coaches and a van, near Oosterbeek Laag, Netherlands, c.1934 (NS, coll. van Wijck-Jurriaanse)
Nederland-Express at Den Haag SS in 1939 (coll. Rutgers van Rozenburg)
"Rotterdam-Lloyd Rapide" Den Haag HS in 1939 (coll. Rutgers van Rozenburg)