N o t e s, C o n t r i b u t o r s
Welcome to this historical survey and to my fully illustrated books and manuscripts, written during forty years of research and worldwide traveling. Every chapter is concluded by travel descriptions with pictures and text in German - Reisen.
Author, researcher: Werner Soelch, Dipl. Ing. Univ.
Co-author, web layout: Hans Soelch, Dipl. Kfm. Univ.
Consultant: Anton Soelch, Dipl. Geogr. Univ.
Updated September 2017
Photographs are by the author or his collection (WS), if not credited otherwise (in brackets). Generally the train's name or destination, the locomotive class, the locality and the date is mentioned. You are welcome to copy and distribute parts of the survey's text and the author's own photos (not other contributors' pictures!) FREELY for every non-commercial use on condition that you mention the source and you are FREE to integrate them unchanged into any non-commercial Web site on condition that you provide a one-click link to log on directly to www.trains-worldexpresses.com
For commercial use(reserved by copyright) for high-quality pictures and for placing advertisements please contact Hans Soelch: kontakt@xyania.de.
A lot of small photographes (with 450 pix) you can get larger (in 980 pix), if you click on it. At some medium pictures (with 980 pix) you can find a download symbol to get the photograph very large (more then 980 pix).
Grand Expresses connected with ocean liners, cruise ships are their successors. Some trains are ferried across the seas. A Web site is under construcion by Heribert Schroepfer and Werner Soelch, covering the history of passenger shipping. Our comprehensive Web site ships-worldwide.com is updated!
Successor of the grand expresses and ocean liners is worldwide jet air transport. A global historical analysis is under preparation, including airport expresses worldwide
Author and editor express their thanks to all the institutions, railway administrations and enterprises, railwaymen, museums, producers, publications and web site and all the enthusiasts whose help has contributed to the author’s books and our web site. Personal thanks go to all our family members, first to Kyriaki and to Ingrid, and specially to grandfather Johann Soelch, locomotive driver in the Habsburg Empire, and to Anton Flohr, who had worked at pre-war Austrian railways. Special thanks go to ADN, Alessandro Albe, Heinz Albrecht, Alco Historic Photos, Khalid M. Algosaibi, Sir Peter Allen, Alex Amstein, Dietrich Angerstein, Major Bagnall, Peter F. Bagshawe, Hugh Ballantyne, Dr. Erich Barner, Antoine Baruki, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Lothar Behlau, George Behrend, Carl Bellingrodt, Annegret Bellingrodt and Eisenbahn-Kurier, Hugh Bennett, Daniel Berg, Gerald Berger and his father, Sabine Bergholz, Matti Bergstrom and Finnish Railway Museum, Dr. H. Bernigau, P.S.A. Berridge and Olga Berridge, Karl Beyer, Dr. Hans Bock, Rico Bogula, Dr. Bruno Bonazzelli, C. Salmeron Bosch, Guenther Botha, Dr. Harald Boettcher, Harold D. Bowtell, British Museum London, Herb L. Broadbelt, Evi Brockhoff, A.W. Brouwer van Alderen, Karlheinz Brust, Jens Bruun-Petersen, Siegfried Bufe, Wolfgang Buegel, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, P. Buettner and MEC Hof, General K.R.M. Cameron, Kenneth Cantlie, Jean Paul Caracalla, Jean des Cars, Hector Cassano, City of Birmingham Public Libraries, Claus Cnyrim, Roger Commault, who had saved the archives of La Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits et des Grands Express Europeens, Paul Cotterell of Israel Railway Museum, CSD-Freunde and the team, Lydia Dakkak, Marc Dahlstrom, DB Museum and Verkehrsmuseum Nurnberg, Paul Delacroix, Joachim Deppmeyer, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Eisenbahngeschichte DGEG, Deutsches Museum Munich, DFV e.V. German Ferry Shipping Society, Wolfgang Distelbarth, Juergen Dobberke, Dr. von Donselaar, Arthur D. Dubin, Horst-Werner Dumjahn, A.E. Durrant, Chris Elliott, Ray Ellis, Friedhelm Ernst, Werner Fabian, Mrs Feldmann, who survived Hitler’s KZ, G.F. Fenino, Margit Fialovits, Josef Fiedler, Wolfgang Fiegenbaum, Raymond Floquet, Maria Fodor, Fototeca FS, Edith Franz, Dr. Juergen Franzke and successors of DB Nurnberg, Radko Friml, Helmuth Froehlich, Hans-Herbert Frohn, Herwig Gerstner, Henri Girod-Eymery, L. Gjebina, Alby Glatt, the founder of the Nostalgie Istanbul Orient Express, Helmut Glock, Johannes Gloeckner, Bosworth Goldman, Alfred Gottwald, Georg Grainer, Thomas Grasmueck, Helmut Griebl, Franz and Waldemar Gruebl, Bernd Gutberlet, Dr. Walter Haberling, Dr. Alfred Hadrboletz, Georgeos Handrinos and SFS Greece, Astrid Hansen, Guenter Haslbeck, C. van Hattum, Joan C. Head, Dr. Michael Heim, Edwin Herkner, Rob Heron, Adolf Hofbauer, Herr Holzinger, R. Hopkins, Alfred Horn, Peter Hortig, Herr Hoyer, Tony Hudson, Herr Huwyler, Wolfgang Illenseer, India Study Circle and Col. C.N.M. Blair, International Railway Preservation Society at Nene Valley International Railway with Phil Marshall and the team, Lutz Irrgang, Ondrej Janis, Dr. Edvard Jankovsky, Rob Johnson, Ernst Kabelka, Andrea Kacoh, Prof. Siegfried Kademann, K. Kakavas, R. Kallmuenzer, R.H. Kindig, John Kirchner, Walter Kirchner/ Neue Filmkunst, Rudolf Klebensberger, Juergen Klein and family, Hans-Georg Kleine, Till Klingenhaeger, Andreas Knipping, Dr. Reinhold Knopp, Ernst Koeditz, Dr. Wolfram Koehler, Hans Kohut, Emil Konrad, Peter Konzelmann, Friedrich Krafft, Franz Kraus, Walter Kreinhoefner, Walter Kreutz, Dr. Peter Kristl, J.B. Kronawitter, Dr. Mihaly Kubinszky, Hans Kundmann and family, Karl Leichtfuss, M.D. Lengelle (Vauquesal-Papin), Vasilis Leondopoulos, the former CEO of Greek State Railways CEH, Gregorij von Leitis, Andre Lepage, Peter Letule, Alex Leuschner, Ambassador Dr. Karl Leuteritz, Guenter Loose, Alfred Luft, Izumi Masuda, Ulrike Merkel, Michael Merkel and family, Maurice Mertens, Wolfgang Messerschmidt of Lok-Magazin, Thomas Meyer-Eppler, Hans Miersch, Ken Mills, Dr. Alfred Muehl, Arnold Muell, Heiko Mueller, Hans Muench, Robert Mumford, Musee francais du Chemin de Fer, Museon di Rodo, Museum fuer Verkehr und Technik Berlin, Museum Ruse, Victoria Mylonadis and her collegue (who fled Bucharest the same day like the King), National Railway Museum York, Herbert Neudert, Spyridon Nikolopoulos, Wlodzimierz Odojewski, Oesterreichisches Eisenbahnmuseum, Herr Opladen, Margit Orthgiess, Christel and Rainer Ott, Hermann Ott, Kurt Otto, S. Overbosch, Nikos Papaletsos, G.D. Patwardhan, William A. Pearce, Dr. Claudio Pedrazzini, Herr Pempelforth, Francesco Pozzato, John H. Price, Gerhard Puchta, Railway Gazette International, Roel Ramaer, P. Ransome-Wallis, Wendelin Rehm, Arno Renk, Andreas Ritz, Ludwig Rixner, Gustav F. Roehr, Ralf Roman Rossberg, Herr Roth, Else Rothenfusser, Rabbi Walter Rothschild, L. Rutgers van Rozenburg, Willem Ruys, Max Salfer, Mr Salmeron-Bosch, Leopold Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe, Dr. Guenter Scheingraber, Ernst Schoerner, Franz Scholz, Heribert Schroepfer, the other author of ships-worldwide.com, Matthias Schulze, the Schwarzmeier brothers, SDI and Wolfgang Loeckel, Juri Sedlacek, Hans Seiler, Esame Sidek, James Sherwood for having founded the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Siemens AG and Tina Holt, SJ Jarnvagsmuseum, Josef-Otto Slezak, Charles S. Small, Fritz Soelch, Guenter Soelch, Jan Stefanik, Pavel Stejskal, Herbert E. Stemmler, Frank Stenvall, G. Stetza, Dr. Fritz Stoeckl, the author’s first rail friend, Dr. Gertrud Stoeckl, Dr. Stephan Stoeckl and family, Johann Stockklausner, Josef Stoegermayr, Maria Swoboda, Rudolf and Helmut Tauber, Richard Tauflinger, Wilhelm Tausche, Technisches Museum Wien, Alf Teloeken, the author’s first publisher, Wolfgang Theurich, Joe D. Thompson with Alco Historic Photos, Christian Tietze, R. Tourret, Transrapid International, Gottfried Turnwald, Eero Tuurna, Josef Ungewitter with his unique timetable and ticket collection, Werner Umlauft, Union Pacific Railroad Museum, Wilhelm Uranczik-Urbendorf, Pavel Vancura, Wolfram Veith, Verkehrshaus der Schweiz, La Vie du Rail, Angela Vorderwinkler, Rohan Vos for having founded the Rovos de-luxe in South Africa, Guenther and Ingeborg von Wahl, Karl-Heinz Walraf, Dave and Irene Wardale, Helmut J. Weis, Richard Weisheit and Anni Heller, Dr. W.A.C. Wendelaar, Dr. Hansjuergen Wenzel, Kenneth Westcott-Jones, Jost Maxim Wiedemann, Wien Museum, Lionel Wiener, N.J. van Wijck-Juriaanse, Wikipedia and Wikimedia, Karl Wildberger, Jeremy Wiseman, Hans Wismer, Ernst Wolf, Herrn Wollny, Dr. Winfried Wunderlich, Dr. Wilfried Wunderlich, Thomas Wunschel, Otto Zell, Christoph Baron von Zeschau. Thanks go to all the contributors of pictures, mainly the photo providers via Internet, their names being mentioned with the pictures. Author and editor apologize to anyone who has been forgotten to mention.
Text layout service: K. Katsouli, Aegina, Greece (katkikgr@yahoo.gr).
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Germany, Oct. 2007 and June 2017