T r a i n s - W o r l d E x p r e s s e s
by Werner Soelch & Hans Soelch
Orient-Express, Century, Broadway, Super Chief, Canadian, Indian Pacific, Bagdad-Bahn, Indian Mail, Trans-Siberian, Shanghai-Express, Rome-Express, Rheingold, Mistral, Blue Train, Sud-Express, Transandino, the great expresses of Europe, North America, Asia, Latin America, Africa, Australia and new high-speed trains revolutionized rail traffic, the reason why not every end of every classic express is mentioned here.

Let's remember the grand old trains, have a look on the new ones and click the routes on the map or select:
| End of an Epoch
| Europe-America-Australia, the Round-the-World route, which linked the Old with the New World, the Ocean Mails, Irish Mail, Transatlantiques, Hapag & Lloyd specials, Nederlandsch Boottreinen, the 20th Century Limited, Overland, Empire Builder, the Cities, Super Chief, California Zephyr, Crescent and Sunset, Amtrak, Acela, American Orient Express, Super Continental, the Bima Express of Indonesia, the Spirit, Trans Australian, Ghan, XPT and New Zealand's Silver Star |
| Orient-Express, Simplon-, Arlberg-, Balt-, Tauern-Orient, NIOE, VSOE |
| Middle East expresses for Tehran, Baghdad and Cairo, Ankara-Express, Taurus-Express, Hedjaz Railway, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Trans Iran, Trans Asia |
| Indian Mail & South East Asia, Malle des Indes, Peninsular- and Bombay-Express, the Punjab Mail, Imperial Indian Mail and its extensions, Burma, Sri Lanka, the International Express Malaysia - Thailand, the Eastern & Oriental and Vietnam |
| Trans-Siberian, China, Japan, Nord Express, Nizza-Express, Kurier 1, Blauer Zug, Ost-West-Express, St. Petersburg- and Moskva-Express, Red Arrow, ER200, Rossiya, Asia Limited, Tairiku, Fuji, Shanghai Express - and CRH3, Korean KTX, Taiwan High Speed, Shinkansen, Maglev |
| Rome-Express & High-Speed, Train Bleu, Riviera-Express, Rheingold, Skandinavien-Italien-Express, Brenner-Express, TEE, Le Mistral, Settebello - and TGV, ICE, ETR, Eurostar, Pendolino and Cisalpino |
| Cape to Cairo, Star of Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda Mail, Congo, Benguela Railway, Madagascar and other islands, Tazara, Union Limited, Blue Train, Rovos and Desert Express |
| Sud-Express, Sahara, Latin America, Barcelona-Express, Lusitania-Express, Al Andalus, Talgo, AVE, Velaro, Trans-Maghreb, Trans-Sahara, Le Mistral en Senegal, the Panama Limited, Aztec Eagle, Copper Canyon, Cuban Special, Expreso Tayrona, Rio - Sao Paolo, Machu Picchu - Titicaca, Expreso del Sur, El Gran Capitan, Tren de las Nubes, Flecha Nocturno, Panamericano and Transandino… |
| ...adieu... |
...world's grand expresses, their steam locomotives, Pullmans, Wagons-Lits, and the new high-speed trains by the leading Web site for trains' history, a global survey with c.800 pictures, never written before, never published, FREE for everybody.
You are welcome to copy and distribute parts of the survey's text and the author's own photos (not other contributors' pictures!) for every non-commercial use on condition that you mention the source and you are FREE to integrate them unchanged into any non-commercial Web site on condition that you provide a one-click link to log on directly to www.trains-worldexpresses.com. Many photos you get larger with an extra click

To my wife Kyriaki
war sie einem der Expresszüge entstiegen
der Traum -
Und seitdem ist die Welt verklärt
und die Expresszüge
bis heute
und für immer
Werner Soelch
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